Types of technologies, tools, and programs in Web Design

Software that would be used for Web development: operating systems, server, Web editors, programming languages, animations, among others.

Types of technologies, tools, and programs in Web Design | Websites Management | Software that would be used for Web development: operating systems, server, Web editors, programming languages, animations, among others

Selection of technology for Web design and programming

For a good design and programming of a Web site it is necessary to take into account some elements such as: programs for Web design, the use of cascading style sheets, programming technologies on the client and server side.

Programs for Web design

For the construction of a Web page, the programs that are used for its design are paramount, since the speed with which the expected result is obtained depends on them. The choice of these programs will be influenced by what you want to do and the complexity of the design in question.

Among these there is a wide range of prices. The ideal is to select one that facilitates the work and in turn allows to easily and optimally divide the size of the images and the structure within the pages. Sometimes only one is chosen that makes it possible to order information and images in an appropriate manner.

Among the most used programs for design are: Photoshop (Image Editor), CorelDRAW (Image Editor), Dreamweaver (HTML Editor and other languages), Notepad ++ (HTML Editor), among others.

Initially a design is made in the form of a drawing in the program and after using some optimization elements this image is taken into code so that they can be seen in the best possible way. To achieve this, a well-known resource called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used.

Software Selection

In this stage of the methodology, it is sought to determine the requirements regarding the software that will be used for the development of the application; that is, operating systems, server (software), editors for Web design, programming languages, animations and other components.

This definition will depend on many aspects such as the existence of software licenses or technical resources and hardware.

Hardware Selection

Before undertaking the development of a Web application, the hardware requirements of the application, the server equipment, the response capacity, terminals, network requirements must be determined if the application has to have an intranet or extranet.

In the event that the application will be published on the Internet, you must reserve the domain and locate the hosting service for companies that specialize in this service (Morrison and Dickinson)


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APA Format Reference:

Delgado, Hugo. (2019).
Types of technologies, tools, and programs in Web Design.
Retrieved Feb 10, 2025, from


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Professor at the University of Guadalajara

Hugo Delgado Desarrollador y Diseñador Web en Puerto Vallarta

Professional in Web Development and SEO Positioning for more than 10 continuous years.
We have more than 200 certificates and recognitions in the Academic and Professional trajectory, including diploma certificates certified by Google.



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