The useful life of a website - Tips and recommendations

A good website is not one that you consult once and then forget, it is one that you can add to bookmarks and to which you want to return periodically.

The useful life of a website - Tips and recommendations | Websites Management | A good website is not one that you consult once and then forget, it is one that you can add to bookmarks and to which you want to return periodically

Its creators add supports for new navigation features, adjust their aspectto fit to the new trends and, most importantly, they continually incorporate new content.

When a Website stops changing, it is in resuscitation

Many great Websites have collapsed due to negligence. Think of your favorite sites, it's most likely tthey change daily.

A good Website is not one that you visit once and then forget, is one that you can add to your bookmarks and want to return periodically.

In a sense they are likea TV channel:

  • If new informationis not added, they are playing reruns.

This problem is a major challenge. Creating a website is laborious and keeping it up to date iseven more so. Here area few tips:

Think in stages

When you show your website online for the first time itwon’t be complete. Instead, think of it as version 1.0 and start planning some changes for the next version. Step by step, you can add anything you want it to have.

Select the parts you can change regularly and leave the rest

There is no way to check an entire Website each week. Therefore, the best strategy is to identify the sections you want to change regularly. On a personal one, for example, you can put the news on a separate page and update only that part.

In one of a small business, you should focus on the home page to announce new products and news.

Design a Web site that is easy to change

It is the most difficult principle to follow because not only requires planning, but accumulated experience. According to acquire go, you learn to make your life easier to update creating pages.

A method to follow is to start separate information on different pages to add new content without having to rear range everything. Another techniqueis to usestyle sheets to separate the format of the page content.

In this way, you can easily insert new material without having to give the content format.

A good Website:

  • Displays the content efficiently
  • It’s easy to use and mantain
  • It has a robust architecture
  • Uses technology appropriately
  • Accesibility to the site through different technologies
  • Homogeneous and coherent within the concepts of graphic design

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APA Format Reference:

Delgado, Hugo. (2019).
The useful life of a website - Tips and recommendations.
Retrieved Feb 09, 2025, from


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Professor at the University of Guadalajara

Hugo Delgado Desarrollador y Diseñador Web en Puerto Vallarta

Professional in Web Development and SEO Positioning for more than 10 continuous years.
We have more than 200 certificates and recognitions in the Academic and Professional trajectory, including diploma certificates certified by Google.



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