How to start the creation of a Web page - Useful tips
Start by getting to know the customer, gather information about how your business is running. Start working on the project until you have clear objectives and strategies.
Amid much possibilities as the Web, the first question that arises is how to start a Web page.
For many designers the most complex is just to begin.
Although as in all processes try to follow specific steps, building a website is an iterative and recursive process, rather than rigidly sequential.
Start by knowing your client, the one that requestsyour services. Gather information on how they run the business.
An element as a business card can say a lot about identity, and being used as design inspiration.
Information on products and services help a company achieve a satisfactory design future. Tweet it!
Some of the questions that can’t miss on this first contact are:
- What is the company’s deal
- Already it has some type of printed design such as a logo
- What is the purpose of the site
- The information to be transmitted, the audience and competition
Prepare some test Web sites to show to the customers, as well basic sites that simulate more complex the Web of a company or entity.
The client may not ask you a degree in Web design, but he will want to see Web sites that express your skills and experience.
Web design without a good organization can be overwhelming.
Having a shocking start page, good content and excellent images do not always guarantee the success of a site.
Advance planning ensures the future balance between aesthetics and functionality.
You need to understand each of the phases in the separately design and then as how are articulated to each other to form a Web development project.
Certify that the ultimate benefits of their work outweigh the associated costs.
Do not start work on a project until you have clear objectives and strategies.
If you work for a client insist on meeting its objectives, resources and audiences.
It is wise to be sure of its capabilities and resources before embarking on the design process, especially when working on a set budget.
Each Web site rises from an idea to get online goals, the same for personal than business purposes. So, you should begin by defining the main objectives.
Define the purpose of the site
Depending on the objectives of the site design strategies are set.
The objectives must reflect why a site is created and what it hopes to achieve. The most common are:
- Provide personal information
- An entity or company
- Sell or advertise
- Provide a particular service
Once you know the purpose of the site, think about your users and think about how often you want to update the information.
The first goal of any web designer is to organize the contents useful and logically.
You may already have ideas about the site, so you’ll reflect them on a sheet of paper. If you are building a website for a company or organization, your target list should look like the following:
- Capture potential customers: who we are and what we do
- Explain to these potential customers how you can help
- Provide a detailed list of products and services
- Announce the emergence of new products and services
- Provide contact forms
- Indicate how they can contact the site administrator
Direct contact with visitors is the best way to assess the effectiveness of the site, because it allows to know and solve any error or technical problem.
Even if you rigorously test the site before publishing, there is no way to foresee all combinations of software and hardware that can be used by visitors.
Their comments also show what the most visited sections. Based on this analysis, if the site does not reach any of their objectives, incide to improve it.
A good way to encourage feedback is to create a special page for comments from visitors. Post comments received with the answers. If visitors realize they are contributing something to your site there will be more active participation.
Consider whether you’ll assume the maintenance of the site or if you’ll need specialized staff, if you have a server and if you have registered a domain name.
Identify the target audience
Knowing the audience is understanding the business
While a site might be seen by a large and diverse audience, it is important to identify the target audience you are targeting and understand their needs and technical possibilities.
Reflect about the feelings you want to lead. Set your criteria about who will visit your sitefrom the beginning.
Large companies of Web design and development spend much of their time to identify the needs of future users. Advertisers, marketing experts and other professionals spend time, effort and capital to identify their clients in detail.
The best way to identify your audience is being on their shoes.
Studying the sites of the competition, analyzing market research results and participating in a forum related to the profile of the site you're designing are ways to approach to the upcoming future.
This research allows us to consider what are the best tools that we can provide to their page visitors.
Browse to related sites and think about what you like or not. Notice how information and services are offered. Be inspired by their best ideas and establish differences.
You also need to have an idea of the general characteristics of the dominant computer system between users and the connection speed.
Not all visitors have a powerful and modern computer or the latest version of the browser, or the same operating system, and even not all have the language as the main language of your site.
If the site can be frequented by visitors who do not have Spanish as their first language, minimize to the maximum complexity of expression and try to create a version of the site in English.
In the design of the the site other features of the audience are also influenced like their education, computer skills, browsing experience, age, gender and geographic location.
The key is finding a receptive number of visitors to their goals and do everything possible to meet your needs.
Sites that manage to identify clear and specific audiences, are more likely to establish that against those trying to control every Web market niche.
Most creators of Web sites identify their audience with some clever ideas and then retouch the site as customers capture and detect their needs.
Define the audience from the entry of visitors, it is an effective way to achieve the objectives of the site.
Display images without justification is trying to please without helping.
The audience will notice it. Check often the target list and ask yourself where the images will be really useful to reinforce the information.
Watch what happens as it the needs of the audience are satisfied. The reach of the site is growing. You can define more clearly where you're going.
The contents are the main reason why people search a Web site, which remain at the site once they find it, and by returning back to the site.
The content is what rules; without good content, the site will not have visitors. Create a list of contents for each objective.
Suppose you are rebuilding a Web site for travelers and the first objective is to present a particular location to potential customers and explain what it does.
The list of contents of this goal might be:
- Brief outline of the attractions
- Images refining these attractions
- Services available
- Brochures presentation, a PDF ready to download
- Photographic reporting services
- Exposure of the basic rules and guarantees of service
When you consider that the objective has been achieved, proceed to the next one and repeat the process. So far announce only the possible contents. Do not try to organize yet.
If suddenly you discoveryou’re thinking in retrospect, do not try to avoid it; write the idea in the list of contents and then return to the target previously working.
Depending on the scope of the site, you may collect dozens of content lists. In general, the more ideas the better, but do not force the situation.
Let the Web site indicates what you want to be.
The only rule you must follow is to have at least a list of contents for each objective.
Conceive the graphic design
Like any visual media, Web pages require special attention to their content and presentation.
You need to define and distribute with logic everythingwhatis important in a page: images, graphics, formats, colors, etc…
The first factor by which people judge a website is the first impression conveyed by its aesthetics.
The aesthetics of a Website is related to their appearance or artistic effect, and covers everything that has to do with the characteristics of visual communication: color, structure, images, fonts, forms data entry and navigation elements.
These visual elements distinguish the structure of the site and give it the right look.
Define your style sensations considering designed to generate.
By mixing these items you can create an atmosphere and convey ideas, same in one pioneering and professional elegant line rather than in another groundbreaking and pioneering. Always offer original ideas.
EIt is possible that the theme impose thesite’s design style. Although it is necessary to design within certain ranges.
Try to be different. A hallmark cause a great impression on visitors and encourages them to return.
Create a family style. Reflect about the logos and colors you want to include, and if you are designing a page consider whether it will form a part of a larger site, with standards to be considered. If you design a site for young people consider their preferences for animation and special effects.
The text must be enclosed to the slangs used by the audience.
When designing a site for a business entity or language it must be clear and concise, and transmit a sense denoting order and capacity.
Sites created for sales should have an aggressive style that attracts potential buyers.
If you design for a company or corporate identity, use the colors and typography of their traditional print.
Users often identify companies by their brand and their topologies.
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APA Format Reference:
Delgado, Hugo. (2019).
How to start the creation of a Web page - Useful tips.
Retrieved Dec 17, 2024, from