
In the early nineties, Linus Torvalds developed a small nucleus of a clonic UNIX system as part of one of his research projects.

Linux | Websites Management | In the early nineties, Linus Torvalds developed a small nucleus of a clonic UNIX system as part of one of his research projects

Early nineties Linus Torvalds developed a small nucleus of a clonic UNIX system as part of one of his research projects.

It was the origin of Linux. When he had a sufficiently stable version he began distributing it under the GPL license and asked for help to test and improve it.

Below is the message that appeared on one of the Usenet discussion forums and with which Linus Torvalds encouraged participation in the Linux project:

Do you pine for nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were and worte their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you try to modify for you needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on your OS? No more all-nighters to get nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you.

"¿Do you pine for nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were and wrote their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you try to modify for you needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on your OS? No more all-nighters to get nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you."
Request for collaboration from Linus Torvalds to test and develop the first versions of Linux

Since then, Linux has evolved enormously. The number of computers running the Linux operating system has increased dramatically in recent years.

Linux started as an Intel 80386 platform project. Currently, there are versions for all versions of Intel and AMD processors, Power PC, Sun, SPARC, etc.

The success of Linux is mainly due to its distribution over the Internet that has allowed the incorporation of the developments of people spread across the globe.

Currently Linux has the main window managers, multiple Internet utilities, compilers, editors ...

Linux is successfully used as a server in numerous companies and universities around the world, and there are many private users who have a Linux system in their houses.

Distributions of Linux

There are many different versions of Linux. Currently more than 300 can be found. Different organizations make their own distributions according to different types of needs.

All have, however, something in common: the core. It is the fundamental component of every UNIX operating system.

Its basic function is to facilitate the execution of applications in the system. It provides a series of mechanisms that programs must use to access computer resources.

A Linux distribution includes a Linux kernel, along with a set of tools that will allow the user to perform everyday tasks in the system.

The distributions are differentiated by factors such as the applications they incorporate, the process of installation and configuration of the system or the structure of directories.

Some of the most widespread distributions are the following:

Red Hat: of North American origin is possibly the most popular, mainly due to its ease of use.

The installation is simple and also has a series of graphical administration applications through which a user with minimal knowledge can easily manage the system. Red Hat has recently diversified its activity to focus on corporate collusion.

In this way, it leaves Red Hat Linux to focus on its Red Hat Enterprise Linux product line. Sometimes it officially supports Fedora Core, a free product that is being developed by the community and serves as a testing platform for Red Hat Enterprise.

Mandrake: created in 1998 in France, it is one of the most successful distributions of recent times.

Its success lies in combining a user interface and improved, simpler to use, and a set of numerous and varied packages.

Among the improvements that it incorporates, we must highlight the detection of the devices and the disk partition utilities, for which Mandrake has received the praise of the community.

SuSe: is a variant of the Red Hat distribution. As it is easy to install and administer.

Of German invoice, SuSe is famous for having the most complete documentation, YaST configuration utilities, as well as technical support to the user.

Debian/GNU: it is the most professional and 100% free.

It is characterized by the wide variety of tools included in the standard distribution. The installation process is somewhat complex, and certainly not recommended for novice users.

Debian is considered one of the most stable due to its thorough development process, which makes it ideal to be used in critical servers.

Ubuntu is an operating system based on Linux and distributed as free software, which includes its own desktop environment called Unity.

Its name comes from the homonymous ethic, in which one speaks of the existence of oneself as the cooperation of others.

Slackware: a classic distribution (1992), was for a long time the most used, since it incorporates a considerably easier installation system than its competitors.

In addition to those mentioned there are others that allow its execution directly from the CD or USB, is the case of Knoppix, Mandrake Move, SuSe Live, PCLinux OS.

They are very useful for tasks of detection and verification of devices, as well as repair of systems, among other applications.

The LinEx project deserves a special mention. Its objective is to equip the Educational Technology Network and the Intranet in the short term with this system, promoting the principles of free software.

The effective implementation of the project has clear social and economic benefits, and is an example of the advancement of Linux.

Finally, Linux distributions developed for specific purposes are available, for example, PDA devices, mobiles, routers, firewalls and real-time systems.


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APA Format Reference:

Delgado, Hugo. (2019).
Retrieved Feb 11, 2025, from


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Professor at the University of Guadalajara

Hugo Delgado Desarrollador y Diseñador Web en Puerto Vallarta

Professional in Web Development and SEO Positioning for more than 10 continuous years.
We have more than 200 certificates and recognitions in the Academic and Professional trajectory, including diploma certificates certified by Google.



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11 comments on "Linux"

  1. User Avatar
    Anael David Martinez Gonzalez

    Por la falta de compatibilidad entre algunos programas y los programas que utilizo están solo para Windows, las alternativas en muchas ocasiones son soluciones muy básicas. Los videojuegos comerciales son prácticamente inexistentes. Y no existe la misma variedad para los controladores.

  2. User Avatar
    Sergio Reyes

    La principal razón por la que no utilizo Linux es porque no se utilizarlo ni moverme tan fluidamente en su interfaz como la de windows, a la cual muchos estamos acostumbrados. Además de que la mayorí­a de los equipos tienen SO Windows y eso hace que estemos acostumbrados la mayorí­a a solo ese sistema operativo.

  3. User Avatar
    Jose Anguel Rodriguez

    Por la razon que no he cambiado de windows a Linux es simplemente porque es el mas utilizado, y es compatible con la mayoria de los programas que empleamos en la escuela, trabajo o vida diaria.

  4. User Avatar
    Marleni Quintero

    La razón por la que no he cambiado de sistema operativo, es porque a veces es necesario el uso de algunos programas que solo están disponibles para Windows, y existen problemas de compatibilidad al crear proyectos en un sistema oparativo abierto, ya que la mayoria de los equipos usan el sistema operativo de Windows.

  5. User Avatar
    Luis Armando Arroyo

    pues yo utilizado windows por que no conocí­a los sistemas operativos abiertos, y como es de supones no tengo conocimiento sobre como se utilizan

  6. User Avatar
    José de Jesíºs Pérez Gí³mez

    Las razones por las que aún uso el sistema operativo windows en mi computadora son 2 1)Es el SO que viene por defecto en las computadoras, sé donde están las cosas, como acceder a ellas rápidamente y la verdad eso me gusta 2) puedo configurarla fácilmente para que sea óptima en su funcionamiento,aparte en windows 7 puedo personalizarla a como yo la quiero, no tan profundamente, pero con temas puedo hacer la visualización más llamativa. No he tenido problemas graves en Windows, así­ que no veo necesario cambiar, si me gustarí­a probar, pero por lo pronto así­ estoy bien.

  7. User Avatar
    David Axel Vazquez juarez

    La principal razón por la que sigo usando WINDOWS es porque fue el primer sistema operativo que conocí­ ademas de que esta en todos los equipos a la venta, por otra parte tambien desconocí­a de otros sistemas operativos y me e acostumbrado al uso de las aplicaciones del sistema operativo windows.

  8. User Avatar
    Norberto y el moy

    bueno yo mas que nada no he dejado windows por la amplia cartera de videojuegos que estan en esta plataforma, uso debian en mi ipad hackeada, pero windows solo por los videojuegos, otra de las causas de no usar software libre es por la impontatibilidad entre las aplicaciones como la mayoria usa windows, y el desconcimiento de los demas usuarios ante estos sistemas operativos

  9. User Avatar
    Ricardo J

    La razón por la cual no uso algún sistema basado en unix fue cuando por primera vez que use Ubuntu me encontré con la problemática que tenia muy poco o casi nada de compatibilidad con ciertos hardware, lo instale en una lap y tenia el problema con la tarjeta inalambrica ya que no la detectaba, ademas de que en ese tiempo necesitaba usar algunos Software que solo se encuentran en Windows.

  10. User Avatar
    Eder Omar Barajas Flores

    Las principales razones por la que no he cambiado de sistema operativo son: 1) El desconocer otros sistemas operativos dieferentes a windows. 2) La falta de iniciativa para explorar otros. 3) La costumbre de usar siempre windows. 4) Que windows siempre está disponible en los equipos de escuelas, en el trabajo o en las computadoras de casa. 5) Por la falta de difusión de otros sistemas operativos.

  11. User Avatar
    juan pedro bautista q

    Principales razones serian la costumbre ya que fue Windows el primer sistema operativo que use y que no me he visto en la necesidad de cambiar a otro sistema operativo.


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